Clipon WeavesTGo(tm):
Human hair weaves to go in 5 minutes per pack- Hair WeavesTGo(tm). Lasts up to 12 months.
Need a quick style change but have no time for a hair appointment? Need an affordable solution? Ever wonder how runway models and actresses always have the best hair? It's weaves! Better yet, clip on weaves. Go from blah to vava-va-voom in 5 minutes with instant clip on weaves! No stylist appointment or sitting time is necessary. Just slick hair back with a comb, then cut sections from ear to ear, tease downward, press clip on in place and press down to close it. To order please select a second choice- if your first choice is not in stock we will ship the second choice. Decline a second choice, or suggest one. Available in other lengths, brands, colors- type in Comments when ordering.
Click here to order wet and wavy or straight human hair
16 inch clipon extensions and longer. Click here and
buy human hair supplies.
Click here to buy Caucasian
Remy clipon hair extensions.

Now here's what you get
Included in your 100% human hair order:
12 piece human hair weave set- approx. 63":
- 4 weft pieces - 11 inches wide 5 clips each piece
- 4 weft pieces - 3.5 inches wide 2 clips each piece
- 2 weft pieces - 1.5 inches wide 1 clip each piece
- 2 weft pieces - 1 inch wide 1 clip each piece
- 1 dozen (12) pieces totalling - 63 inches of hair extensions
- lasts up to 12 months or a year
Hair WeavesTGo(TM) weaves set is more than enough for a natural look for someone with shorter hair. For Black hair styles, if you have thick hair, long hair, or larger than average head size buy 2 packs.
2' or 24" more hair than other best sellers!
For a wavier look:
For a wet and wavy look, after application, spray or wet the hair with water.
When tips of hair are dripping wet, the hair slowly starts to get much wavier than in its dry state.
Never sleep with your hair wet! If you prefer a less wavy look as shown do not apply water or moisturizers.
This is
100% soft human hair by Sensationnel.
You can wear this hair and keep it in your hair for shampooing, blow drying (clips are sewn in, not glued in), curling, styling, just as you would your own hair. Because it is human hair, it can be damaged just like your own hair if you decide to over bleach or over process with chemicals. Please take care of this hair as you would your own so clip on hair weaves last up to a year. If you've never done this before see top of page or e-mail.
Other brands, lengths available, or ask:
If you are a Black girl or woman, Indian, Spanish, Other non-Caucasian, or Caucasian wanting extensions at the back of the head only, or back and middle sections of your head, we offer other comparable brands such as Remy human hair.
Click here to buy Caucasian
Remy clipon hair extensions.
Excellent grade hair Remy human hair- ships, no problem.
Want them braided for a jazzed up look? Get treebraids clip on hair extensions:
Click here to order wet and wavy or straight human hair
16 inch clipon extensions and longer.